Are you looking for the best Public Speaking tutor for your child? Public Speaking is an essential skill that can significantly enhance your child's communication and presentation abilities. Our expert tutors provide personalized coaching to help your child build confidence, improve articulation, and master the art of public speaking. Our Public Speaking curriculum is designed to cater to students of all ages and skill levels, ensuring they develop the skills needed to excel in various speaking engagements. Whether you are in New York in the United States or any other part of the world, your child is just a click away from learning proficient and advanced public speaking skills. Following is our detailed curriculum to help you better understand the program.

Benefits of Public Speaking

  • Develops Leadership Skills
  • Boost Confidence
  • Improve Communication Skills
  • Overcome Stage Fright
  • Increase critical thinking skills

Semester – I Beginner

  • Speech and Delivery
  • Introductory Speeches
  • Impromptu Speech

Semester – II Intermediate

  • Introduction to Persuasive Speech
  • Special Occasion Speeches
  • Introduction to Informative Speech
  • Ideate
  • Non-verbal Communication

Semester – III Advanced

  • Introduction to Debate
  • Descriptive speech
  • Speech Fluency and Opinion building
  • Impromptu Speech
  • Effective openings and Supporting Arguments
  • Rebuttal
  • Effective questioning
  • Effective Closings
  • Team Debate
  • Presentation skills


    Speech and Delivery

  • Session - 1 & 2
  • Students will identify speech & delivery as two elements of the Public Speaking.
  • Session - 3
  • Students will deliver a speech of Self-Introduction based on a national newspaper or magazine article. If the student is using a magazine, Select an item to speak about that relates to your life in some way.

    Impromptu Speech

  • Session - 4 & 5
  • Students will practise Impromptu Speech/No-Prep Speech using picture clues. They will use sensory and descriptive adjectives to have a starting point to deliver impromptu speeches.

    Introduction to Persuasive Speech

  • Session - 6, 7 & 8
  • Students get introduced to persuasive speech and use the art of questioning to persuade.

    Mini Project 1

  • Session - 9
  • Students practise the delivery of a persuasive speech as part of a mini project.

    Special Occasion Speeches

  • Session - 10, 11, 12 & 13
  • A speech designed to ful ll the objectives of a designated special occasion. Speakers may choose from the following options:
    1. an “after-dinner”speech, using an imaginary professional career as the basis for the speech;
    2. a commemorative speech honoring a famous historical person or event

    Introduction to Informative Speech

  • Session - 14 & 15
  • Students identify the importance of an informative speech and use linking words of sequence to build a strong structure to their speeches.

    Mini Project 2

  • Session - 16 & 17
  • Students will write and deliver an informative speech as part of a mini project.


  • Session - 18
  • Students will prepare an informative or a persuasive speech using visuals/words. They use a simile in their speeches to describe better in order to inform or persuade.

    Research, Revise and Edit

  • Session - 19, 20 & 21
  • Students will learn to research, revise and edit their speeches using the right punctuation marks.

    Non-verbal Communication

  • Session - 22, 23 & 24
  • Students will learn the importance of non-verbal communication while delivering a speech. They use in ection while asking questions, pause during periods/commas and show excitement for exclamations in their speeches.

    Rehearsal 1

  • Session - 25
  • Students rehearse their speech and get feedback from the teacher.

    Rehearsal 2

  • Session - 26
  • Students practise for 1 final time before the showcase and get feedback from the teacher and peers.

    Showcase 1

  • Session - 27
  • Students present their final speeches to the audience.

    Introduction to Debate

  • Session - 28 & 29
  • Students get introduced to the FOR and AGAINST stance in a Debate.

    Descriptive speech

  • Session - 30 & 31
  • Students will identify the usage of I agree and I disagree statements to present opposing viewpoints.

    Speech Fluency and Opinion building

  • Session - 32, 33 & 34
  • Students understand the importance of speech uency in debate. They learn to build a strong opinion on various topics. They continue to learn the difference between facts and opinions.

    Impromptu Speech

  • Session - 35 & 36
  • Students understand impromptu speech to be an integral part of debate and revise using sensory and descriptive adjectives.

    Effective openings and Supporting Arguments

  • Session - 37 , 38 & 39
  • Students will identify the different ways to open their speech. They support their arguments with credible reasons. They use linking words in addition to create a logical ow to their arguments.


  • Session - 40, 41 & 42
  • Students are introduced to the structure of rebuttal. They will use linking words of contrast to build strong arguments to challenge their opponents.

    Effective Questioning

  • Session - 43 & 44
  • Students will use the strategy of effective questioning using the ‘What, How and Why’ questions in the different rounds of rebuttal.

    Effective Closings

  • Session - 45 & 46
  • Students learn the different ways in which their speech can be effectively closed. In addition, they use summary words to summarise their arguments.

    Team Debate

  • Session - 47 & 48
  • Students choose a topic for their nal presentation and start building their arguments. They start building their opening, opinion, reasons and supporting details. They start preparing for effective rebuttals.

    Presentation skills

  • Session - 49, 50 & 51
  • Students identify the importance of speaking respectfully in front of an audience. They identify the difference between being a solo public speaker vs. being a debater. They understand the importance of respectful body language


  • Session - 52
  • Students practise their debating skills one nal time before the nal showcase.

    Showcase 2

  • Session - 53
  • Students showcase their debating skills in front of an audience.